Asymmetric negotiation

Innovation negotiation has its own characteristics, absolutely different from traditional negotiation, which must be understood for successful implementation in smart innovation management. At HLB we accompany you to advise you in your internal or third-party negotiation processes.

We dialogue and debate cutting-edge themes and trends in the field of innovation.

  • What does it mean to negotiate? Enough of the win-win
  • Innocence in negotiation can be very expensive.
  • Agreement and commitment: it is not and will never be the same.
  • The stages in a short, medium and long-term negotiation.
  • Manipulations and influences: they are tools and you have to learn from them.
  • Can we insult in negotiation? Of course! We have done this many times and perhaps we were not aware of it.
  • 3C criteria for balanced negotiation

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