
What is the EAR ® model?

Our INNOVATION service is developed based on the Teaching, Accompaniment and Redefinition (EAR – ®) model, created with the purpose of transferring knowledge to companies about the topics in Innovation that they do not know, as well as giving meaning and power to knowledge and actions they are executing.

Accompaniment consists of the participation of a consultant, in the process of innovation management in the company, helping to resolve conflicts and emerging situations not foreseen in the initial action plan. Redefinition helps the organization understand the scope of the results obtained and the variables that should be taken into account to sustain that result over time.

The EAR ® model is prepared to generate sustainable results and thus avoid ephemeral, temporary results, where the effort, time and resources implemented to achieve them, become part of the operating costs.


  • CEO Private Meeting
  • Innovation management audit
  • Innovation Consulting
  • Corporate strategy
  • Innovation Tools
  • Asymmetric negotiation
  • Management in business innovation

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