Government Audit

The review, examination or evaluation of the financial, accountant or budgetary operations carried out by the dependencies and entities of the Public, State or Municipal Administration, for the compliance od their attributions, it is well known as Government Audit, it is carried out in order to give an opinion if the financial statements reasonably present the financial situation, if the objectives and goals have been effectively achieved, if the resources have been managed efficiently and if the applicable legal provisions have been complied with, in addition to generating the necessary information that allows to give public management clarity and transparency.

The purpose of our service consists on providing support public servants in the practice of their functions, performing an analysis of operations with a comprehensive and preventive approach that helps  mitigate risk exposure and improve internal control, our assessments consider accounting and budgetary records, hiring procedures, communication technologies, business processes and current legislation applicable for each case, by applying techniques that are governed by the highest quality standards, we use software for data extraction and analysis, fraud detection and continuous monitoring, including with customer support, the application of forensic techniques.

Our Audit team is integrated by professionals highly qualified, experimented and leaders in their field of action, these resources combined with our global structure of leadership, allow us to provide the best service to our clients.

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